Win7之家( To Go將帶來很好的向下兼容性
在Windows Vista中,微軟引入了BitLocker磁盤加密這個功能用于保護用戶隱私文件和數據安全。在Vista SP1中,微軟對此功能進行了改進,而在Windows 7中,微軟更是改進版的BitLocker To Go。Enterprise和Ultimate版的Windows 7不僅支持本地硬盤加密,還支持可移動磁盤的加密。此外,微軟還承諾,BitLocker To Go還會保持良好的向下兼容性,也就是說,正如我們此前介紹的,使用BitLocker To Go加密過的U盤在Vista和XP下也可以打開。
“BitLocker To Go的功能設計的初衷就是為了保護用戶數據安全,也就是說,只有特定用戶才能查看加密磁盤中的內容。并不需要特殊的硬件支持,而且,BitLocker To Go保持了很好的向下兼容性,用戶唯一需要的是BitLocker To Go Reader。”
那么,哪里下載這個BitLocker To Go Reader呢?其實,在U盤上就已經安裝了此工具。所以,直接插上就可以了,只不過在Vista和XP上,加密過的磁盤是只讀的。
With the advent of Windows Vista, Microsoft offered BitLocker Drive Encryption designed to protect customer information by encrypting machines in order to guarantee that the data was safe especially in scenarios involving stolen computers. BitLocker grew with the addition of Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista, and Windows 7 will bring the next step in the feature's evolution under the label BitLocker To Go. The Enterprise and Ultimate editions of Windows 7 will permit customers to encrypt not only local hard drives, but also removable media, with the focus on USB keys. In this regard, Microsoft has ensured that USB devices encrypted with BitLocker To Go are backward compatible with Windows XP and Windows Vista via the BitLocker To Go Reader, allowing a certain level of access to data.
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