Windows 7 Build 7022截圖大賞

2009/2/16 11:51:30    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 Build 7022截圖大賞

 Windows 7 Beta Build 7000才剛出來(lái)一個(gè)月多點(diǎn),Build 7022就已經(jīng)泄露了。雖然已經(jīng)有些日子了,但考慮到非官方版本的關(guān)系,真正安裝的并不多,因此,截圖也很少。不過(guò)不管怎樣,敢于嘗鮮的人還是有的,下面就一起來(lái)欣賞下吧。


While Microsoft is severely limiting the number of prerelease Windows 7 builds it provides to beta testers, reviewers, and the public, it is providing a steady stream of interim builds to partners and these builds often find their way out into the real world. Such is the case with Windows 7 build 7022, one of two post-Beta builds that have escaped Redmond's iron curtain since the beginning of the year. Indeed, build 7022 is the first build I've seen that was actually created this year: Remember that the Beta (build 7000) dates back to early December 2008.