Win7之家(推測Windows 7各版本的市場份額
這兩天最熱門的話題大概就是WIndows 7的版本了,自微軟公布自后,大家都在討論這樣的版本分部是否合理等等。而目前對微軟而言,最大的挑戰(zhàn)莫過于如何提高Vista→WIndows 7升級的平均價格而又不會引起公眾強烈反對了。而微軟似乎也為用戶提供了他們想要的升級環(huán)境。
Vista SKU | Share* | OEM cost* | Total** |
Home Basic | 12% | $30 | 720 |
Home Premium | 65% | $60 | 7,800 |
Business | 20% | $90 | 3,600 |
Ultimate | 3% | $120 | 720 |
- Total - | Avg: $64.20 | $12.84B |
* 估算值,僅供參考
** 以售出200萬份為例
從上面的表格可以看出,預裝Vista HP的PC占了較多的市場份額。而現在正在猶豫不決買什么版本的Vista的用戶也會決定購買HP以方便將來升級到Windows 7 HP。而HB版本只會在新興市場售出,這個份額顯然不會太多。高端市場呢,一些本來因為媒體中心想要購買Ultimate的用戶可以選擇便宜些的Professional了,這樣一來,Ultimate的份額就更少了。
Win7 SKU | Share* | OEM cost* | Total** |
Home Basic | 7% | $30 | 420 |
Home Premium | 70% | $60 | 8,400 |
Professional | 21% | $90 | 3,780 |
Ultimate | 2% | $120 | 480 |
- Total - | Avg: $65.40 | $13.08B |
* 估算值,僅供參考 ** 以售出200萬份為例
Most analysts who looked at Microsoft’s announcement earlier today of its new lineup of Windows 7 editions have focused on the number of SKUs and are busily debating whether the new selection will make choices more or less confusing for Windows customers. But there’s a more important story buried in the details, one that will only become apparent when Microsoft fills in the rest of the picture by attaching price tags to the members of the Windows 7 family.
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