美國反壟斷協(xié)會將全面測試Windows 7

2009/1/29 10:48:43    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家www.airtaxifl.com):美國反壟斷協(xié)會將全面測試Windows 7

 雖說是經(jīng)濟危機,但似乎依然有人不想放過微軟。最近,除了歐盟委員會就捆綁IE問題稱微軟存在壟斷問題之外,美國反壟斷協(xié)會也瞄上了微軟。他們稱,將對Windows 7進行全面徹底的測試以確認其是否存在壟斷問題。

他們要求微軟開放通信協(xié)議以方便其他程序員和競爭者開發(fā)基于Windows的軟件。而早在去年12月5日,微軟就曾向其遞交了技術文檔,在其中,微軟稱有關Windows 7 Beta中通信協(xié)議的改進,還需要30份新文檔和87份復查過的文檔。

對此,反壟斷協(xié)會稱將重新對Windows 7進行全面徹底的反壟斷測試。而歐盟也在督促微軟開放web標準。


The three member panel of Technical Advisers (Technical Committee - TC) to the antitrust regulators which monitor Microsoft's compliance with a 2002 antitrust settlement will test Windows 7 more thoroughly, according to a status report filed with the federal judge watching over the company.

The 2002 antitrust settlement requires Microsoft to document the communication protocols so that other developers and competitors can design software to work with Windows. Microsoft and State & Federal Antitrust officials are required to deliver regular reports to U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly. On December 5,2008, Microsoft delivered to the TC updated technical documents in anticipation of the release of the Windows 7 beta in which it mentioned that changes to the protocols in Windows 7 required 30 new and 87 revised technical documents.